There is that wonderful nip in the air signaling things are changing. Here, on the Central Coast, there is a changing of the guard with the birds. The Eurasian Collard Dove have taken their young and left for unknown areas. All that remains behind is their (well, you know what). It is pretty much on everything under the beautiful olive tree which had been their home. Fortunately it will all be washed away with the first rains.
The Towhee are still around though less active on the ground, where I usually see them. They are now hopping along the long boards of the wooden fence outside my windows. Sometimes they stop and listen to me as I chatter to them about how their day is going. I always tell them how beautiful they are and thank them for stopping by.
Since my dahlia is still blooming (amazing), the hummingbirds continue to visit for a taste. Sometimes they don't seem to even care that I am outside tending to the plants and flowers. Yet other times, they make a u turn when they see me. I wonder sometimes if it is what I am wearing. I so enjoy the sounds from their wings and their clicking noises.
There are a few Scrub Jays that have discovered a new way to take a bath. The therapy pool has a cover on it when it is not in use. Sometimes there will be puddles on top of the cover. So, the Jays splash and clean themselves in the puddles. One stands guard and they take turns getting the job done. Quite clever and rather comical to watch.
There was a Junco a few days ago very aware of the water and wanting to either drink or take a bath. It hadn't yet figured out the whole pool cover thing. The poor little bird would fly back and forth across the pool. He would swoop low, only to abort and go back to its perch at the far end of the pool. I left before I ever knew if it was successful. Certainly hope so.
The swallows are less frequent now which causes me to suspect they are finished constructing their homes and are busy raising their young ones. I have not seen any signs of their homes, so I imagine they all built in out of the way places. A very good idea as their homes (often times built under the eaves of peoples homes) are usually a nuisance to home owners. It is truly quite a mess.
I have changed my bird feeding station to contain thistle to attract song birds. It usually takes a while before they find it, though I may have it too low to the ground. I'll give it a few more weeks before relocating it higher up. They would be a delightful welcome addition to the yard. Some of the finches are so colorful and would brighten up the foggy days.
I occasionally hear the local woodpecker, though it has moved a distance away so it is rather faint. Obviously better wood availability wherever it is now. I have heard an owl within the past weeks. Also a distance away. This is a good thing as my landlady has a cat that she intends to keep close. Only problem is that the cat hunts at night.
So, we are now in the longer night, shorter day period. Since I do not have to be up in the morning at any specific time, this fails to cause too much disruption for me. I do remember all the years I was working and taking care of my son, and all those mornings when it was dark getting up, and all the evenings it was dark before I ever got home.
I used to always fell so sorry for my son when he was young, and having to deal with the ridiculous time change thing that he could not understand. I, to this day, still think we need to just let it be and stop changing the time twice a year. I feel for those who still need to deal with this during the winter months. Hurry up Spring!
I am, again, so grateful I am where I am and able to live how I choose. I am able to walk the streets, walkways and beach for hours and get lost in the moments that present themselves. I am able to chat with strangers from other country's and states and grateful they all speak English.
I am able to feel the cool breezes off the ocean on a warm day and cuddle in comforters when it is chilly. I am able to hear the sounds of all that nature offers here on the coast. I am able to see the sea lions in the harbor, the new resident pigeons on the docks and boats, the stately pelicans as they seem to float above the water, and the never ending gulls and other water birds.
I am able to enjoy the company of my friends here, too many to mention. I am able to stay connected with those farther away. I am grateful for each of you and the time we share whether in person, via mail, internet or phone. And yes, I still love to write letters. One of my favorite things to do.
So, cheers to each of you. May you always find happiness in your hearts and laugh often. It is good for you, I hear!!!
To All Those Celebrating,
Happy Birthday!
Happy Belated Birthday to:
Happy Birthday to:
"Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive.
Both men and women should feel free to be strong.
It is time that we all see gender as a spectrum,
instead of two sets of opposing ideals.
We should stop defining each other by what we are not,
and start defining ourselves
by who we are."
- Emma Watson
A lovely presentation before the UN