Friday, July 20, 2012

Life Fulfillments

Today, did you......

     Fulfill your heart,
          which loves who you are, what you do and who you are with?
     Fulfill your mind,
          which creates positive stimulation and a peaceful routine?
     Fulfill your body,
          which emanates health, energy and security?
     Fulfill your spirit,
          which grows, evolves and is at one with all?
     Fulfill your inner child,
          who learns, seeks adventure and plays?
     Fulfill your inner man,
          who creates daily results?
     Fulfill your inner woman,
          who communicates, nurtures and heals?
     Fulfill your inner sage/crone,
         who mentors and enjoys the process of work and life?

                                                                                     -  James Wanless

I woke to the sound of the robins singing.  I think they are glad the smoke has disappeared and the temperatures are moderate and there is a gentle breeze.  I know I appreciate this tremendously.  There seems to be a calm this morning.  A peacefulness that all is in order.  Feels great.  

The fire is now 90% contained and the total acres burned remains at 2,650.  Almost all of those evacuated have been allowed to return to their homes, though some are still under evacuation orders.  More than half of the fire fighters have been released and everything seems to be finally winding down.  What a wonderful job these people did in keeping this event from being a huge disaster.  Amazing.  Thanks. love and hugs to all of you.

The cobweb has been rebuilt at the kitchen window.  Now just waiting for the humming bird to find some left over goodies.  And I need to curtail my urge to remove it.  Saw the birds in the water from the sprinkler yesterday.  They move so quickly I can barely follow their movements, much less determine their colors.  Amazing little creatures.

Another motor home has been spied.  I have called the phone number and am now waiting for a response.  Think I may go look at it this morning and hopefully get more information on its specifics.  This will give me an excuse to go down the hill to Trader Joe's. Not that I need one.   I can always find something.  

One of my favorite over shirts, that has boat racing emblems and flags on it, has developed a tear in the material at the right elbow.  I heard it happen.  Very sad.  I have had this shirt since the mid 1980's and I have apparently worn it to death.  It even has some paint on it from one of my creative ventures.   It is the perfect weight and size and I wear it around the house on a regular basis.  Since the material is obviously very thin, I am unsure if a patch will do the job.  Think I will give it a try though, because I really like this shirt.  I have purchased others since then, but none completely replace this old treasure.  This shirt will definitely not be in the estate sale.  

Enjoy your life!


  1. Hi ro, did u hear that a costco employee from folsom was the cause of the fire? Heard they arrested him at work yesterday. Wow was all I could say. Sometimes there just are not enough words! Love you

  2. Yes, friends of relatives of friends actually saw him and wrote down his car license plate number. Wow, is right! Fortunately no life was lost.

    Heart goes out to the people in Colorado. What a nightmare...

    Thanks for the info on the motor home. Maybe the next sighting will be the one. Love you.
