Sunday, September 9, 2012

Estate Sale Complete!

The estate sale day was long and mostly fun. Thank you, so much, Kathy, Gaytrell, Millie, Britt and Bryan.  Each of you made this possible.  Otherwise, I think I would have been ____, well, you know.   Now it is a matter of finalizing the disbursement of what is still here.   I expect to have all of this complete in the next two weeks.  Meanwhile, I can begin focusing on truly making the motor home mine.  She has been rather neglected since I brought her home, though many friends have stopped by to see her.  A name has yet to settle in.

So, while my body is fairly tired from yesterday and the several previous days, my brain seems to be rather focused.  I have been making mental lists of things yet to be accomplished, and taking things one step at a time.  Hence, I feel grounded and organized. Though it was a challenge yesterday, with everything scattered about and at times it truly felt cluttered.  I am very grateful that part is finished so I can keep moving things out into the garage towards their final resting places.  Feels good.

The poor cat was totally freaked out by all the traffic and people passing through, stopping and parking.  He finally went (somewhere) and hid out for the rest of the day.  Finally, after all was said and done and everything put away, he came back and we spent some quality time talking about all that had occurred during the day.  This morning we had our usual wake up time together with breakfast and lots of purrs.  For such a small cat, he is one tough cookie. There are no other cats that he will allow near the house.  Pretty amazing little  critter.

I think that after I finish putzing around with things today, it will be time for a nap.  I have realized I am more tired than I thought.  The past few days have been much more active than I am used to.  Plus, standing most of the day only added to the tiredness I am feeling.  The good news is it is Sunday and nothing is on today's schedule.  Yay!  I could wash the car, however, I'm certain tomorrow will be a much better day to do that.

Soon, this will be the view from my back deck.  Autumn is approaching and all the leaves will turn colors and then fall to the ground.  This is one of my favorite seasons.  There is a crispness in the air and the getting ready to settle in for the winter.  The baked goods beckon from almost everywhere and I usually pack on a few extra pounds to keep me warm through the long winter months.  Of course, depending on where I am this year, it could be an entire new adventure within itself.  It is becoming clear to me that what used to be a usual or common event for me will probably be different for me from now on.  I am looking forward to it all.  

"Nature is full of genius, full of the divinity, so that not a 
snowflake escapes its fashioning hand."

Henry David Thoreau

Enjoy a good nap!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Summer or Autumn?

The nights and early mornings feel as though it is Autumn, being cool and crisp. (And I am using my light weight down blanket.)   There are even two leaves on one of the Dogwood tree that have turned colors. The other Dogwood tree is sporting some red berries now.

So, while all of this Autumn thing is happening, the daytime temperatures have been in the low 90's.  This seems to have been the longest, warmest summer I've experienced since moving here in 2002.  I think it may be time to move on.  (Which, of course, I am!)  Yay...

I am busy getting everything ready for the Estate Sale this Saturday.  It is one day only, thank God, and I am thinking I will be too exhausted to do an open house the next day.  So, I will reschedule this for another time.  Of course, if those of you close wish to stop by, just give me a call.  I expect to be here wrapping things up.  Unless I am at the ice cream store or the bakery.  (All that great comfort food to keep me fortified.)

I discovered that depending on my frame of mind, indicted what price I put on items.  It was quite funny.  We'll see what happens at the sale.  If anyone is able to help out for a few hours on Saturday, I would be grateful.  Thanks to Millie, Leslie and Gaytrell for providing tables for the event.  The temperature looks as though it will cooperate and I'm looking forward to having fun with all the shoppers.

This is my last week of doing sessions.  It will seem odd to close this part of my daily activities.  I am curious to see what presents itself from here forward.  I ordered and received more bamboo yarn, so I know this will keep my hands busy.  I have four boxes of books I would like to take, however, I am certain the weight is prohibitive.  May do the Kindle thing if what I want is available.  I will check it out.  

OK, back to getting ready for sessions and finish watering the ever thirsty lawns.

"The miracle is not to fly in the air, or to walk on the water, but to walk on the earth."

Chinese Proverb

Enjoy your stroll!