Good Heavens. It is difficult to know how to catch everyone up to date on all of the events since my last blog in mid May, except for the SLO Coast Journal article (Low Tides) the first part of June. So much has happened I am almost uncertain where to begin. Guess I will just start rambling and hope to make sense of it as I go along.
In a matter of four days I drove my motor home to the Sacramento area and sold it. That was quite an experience and glad to report it went well. I was able to spend a few hours with my son and daughter-in-law (they promised to come and visit) and the rest of the time was with Millie. Gaytrell was kind enough to drive me home and we had some good times at the ocean and the town of Harmony.
It was from a young woman I mentored during her 6th grade through High School years. I had been thinking about her for about a month. She has been looking for me and somehow finally tracked me to Auburn. Between now and the time I last saw her in 1999, I have lived in several places including traveling on my Adventure.
So, I have a sweet letter from her and as soon as I get a few more things accomplished I will write her and we can catch up on events that have been experienced over the past fifteen years. I am excited because she may be married, have children or perhaps went to England or Africa during this time. I shall find out.
I finally have my little studio in livable condition and I am really enjoying being here. I have all the usual car things, maps, flashlights, etc., that I am keeping in the studio so once I find a car they will have an appropriate place to be. I also brought back a painting which Gaytrell gratefully took care of for me that now can be hung on the wall.
Right this very minute I am being totally distracted by the yummy smell of a basket of home grown ripe strawberries. I am doing my best to avoid just sitting and enjoying the entire basket. I must confess that while I was in Sacramento I found a seeded watermelon. I love the flavor and texture of the ones with seeds, which are very difficult to find anymore. I apparently ate too much at one time and had an allergic reaction that took several days to calm.
I am also dealing with Achilles Tendonitis and a bone spur under the attachment of the tendon. I injured the tendon while in Trinidad back in November when I stepped out of the motor home and rubbed the tendon on the edge of the doorway step. Ouch! Things came and went with it and it finally got to the point where I sought out medical attention.
Good news, no surgery. Other news is that I am having physical therapy twice a week for four weeks. The podiatrist indicated six plus weeks before all is back to normal. I will be grateful when that day comes. This has absolutely put a cramp in my style as far as walking. Doing more swimming in the mean time, which is great with me.
I had seen the bird earlier out on the deck and it was not bothered by my presence. Maybe it thought I was its baby chick and was hungry, hence the worm. I managed to coax it outside, with the worm, and it flew off. I am very grateful it didn't panic and start flying around in the studio. Then it would have been hysterical with me trying to find a way to safely get it outside, with the worm.
Usually the flies, bees and other flying insects come in, take a tour and then fly back outside. It is rather comical. Crawling things, well they just manage to get in somehow, probably crawl, and I find them in odd places. For the most part my space is insect free, thankfully.
Summer weather here on the coast is a constantly changing event. Recently it has been clear at night and the early morning, then fog rolls in, for an undetermined amount of time, and then it clears again. The fog in and out thing can happen several times during the day. Right now, 7:30 pm it is sunny and calm and the temperature is holding steady at 59 degrees. Loving it!!! Daytime highs have been upper 60's and low 70's. I'll take it.
So, that is it as best as I can recall. Having lunches with friends Joyce/Pete and Carol/Eric and Don and Loren and several others here in town and in San Luis Obispo have been great. Chris takes me to Trader Joe's and Carol takes me to Costco. Once I have a car I will happily repay the travel trips. Everyone has been so generous with their time and help. I am very grateful.
Excuse me, I must go eat some strawberries before I loose control!
To All Those Celebrating,
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Jill!
Happy Birthday, Emma!
Happy Birthday, Laura!
Happy Birthday, Suzy!
Happy Birthday, Brenda!
Happy Birthday, Emily!
Happy Birthday, Bryan!
Happy Birthday, Ellen!
Happy Birthday, Ilisa!
Happy Birthday, Gena!
Happy Birthday, Gail!
Happy Birthday, Lisa!
"You will never regret what you do in life, You will only regret what you don't do."
- Dr. Wayne Dyer
Enjoy All That You Do!
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