Wonderful visitors this time of year come to the Central Coast to share our temperate climate. There are groves of Eucalyptus trees here where they hunker in at night and then as it warms in the morning, they are flying all over our area in search of nectar's. There are many internet sites that sing the praises of these remarkable, beautiful, little insects and their amazing travels every year. The Monarch Butterfly is truly a gem of Mother Nature and we are honored every year to have them spend their winters with us.
I attempted to capture a picture of them feeding on a butterfly bush when the wind was blowing. I'm uncertain which was moving more, me or the bush. Needless to say, success was mostly lacking. I also had a few struggling to obtain any food left to my quickly fading Lobelia flowers. While the color contrast was beautiful, they moved on quickly, causing me to suspect they thought food gathering would be more plentiful elsewhere. They even moved on without providing me with enough time to get my camera!
We are also a winter resting spot for many migratory birds. They arrive every year and the National Audubon Society lists Morro Bay as a Globally Important Bird Area, according to a local source. The migrants join our year round residents of herons, egrets and brown pelicans for a wonderful mix of feathered friends all around the estuary.
There are also many blooming flowers that seem to come and go throughout the year. Their colors are so vibrant and catch the eye so quickly. My dahlia's have bitten the dust so to speak and I need to trim the brown tops so perhaps they will come back as full and colorful as they were this year.
And this is just to show what owners do to their "hedge" jade plants when they get overgrown. I know how all you jade plant lovers are in horror seeing what is done, though they truly grow as hedges outside on their own and can become overgrown to the point of blocking sidewalks. This particular hedge is in Cayucos and is only one of many.
And then there is the sun, moon, clouds and all that that entails. I only need to step outside my door, look out and behold whatever is the offering. I can get lost in cloud formations, sun rises/sets, moon rises/sets and everything in between.
We had almost three quarters of an inch of rain recently and everything got a good washing, plants and trees got a good soaking and the air is fresh and clean. Everything, including the people, seems to have a fresher outlook and a brighter perspective. Here is hoping this is the start of a wonderful wet winter season that will bring abundance in the spring. Thanks to all those rain dancers!!!
Happy Birthday,
To All Those Celebrating!
Happy Birthday,
"If we do not feel gratitude
for what we already have,
what makes us think
we'd be happy with more."
this was a beautiful entry... wow :) Love all your pictures as well, so beautiful