I have only been back in Morro Bay a few weeks and I have seen more great blue herons during every stroll to the beach than I had ever seen previously. I may see two and three in a day. I find this amazing and incredibly awesome. We have had some rather low tides which I suspect may explain their increase in numbers. Snowy egrets also seem more abundant. Whatever the reason, I am always happy to see them.
I am glad to see the flocks of pelicans resting on the sand bar in the Harbor and flying along the coast line, gatherings of the otters in the Harbor and observing the ever diligent Coast Guard and Harbor Patrol vessels standing by at the Harbor entrance while various whale watching and fishing vessels made their way through the dangerous water way. The Coast Guard vessels were doing maneuvers between making sure everyone was safe. There is always something going on and so many things to do and see.
Two days before my birthday, Joyce, Carol and Jo Ann surprised me with a birthday lunch in San Simeon. Joyce made a pineapple upside cake, which was shared with the wait staff, and was delicious. She also shared some fun gifts. From there we went to check on the elephant seals and their new born pups. Watching the huge males protect their females is completely entertaining. On the way back we stopped in at the Wampum store where I got a t-shirt. What a lovely day. Thanks to each of you.
So far, I have been able to share coffee and great conversations with Megan; breakfast, the yarn shop and Cambria with Margie and Dart; and SLO shopping with Carol. There are few others to connect with yet. It has been wonderful enjoying the company of these friends. The last time I was here was the first part of May last year. The familiar feelings of it having been so long, and yet almost as though I have been here all the time, are alive and well.
OK, now for the big news. I have decided to land in Morro Bay for a while. I will be selling the motor home and renting a studio apartment at my friend Chris's home. I have know her for almost fifteen years and we went through some difficult times together when her dog, Abbie, was hit by a small truck. She now does canine water therapy at her home.
I will be making a trip to Sacramento to retrieve items from Tim and Darlene's, Millie and Gaytrell. This will also give me a chance to connect with friends and family up there before I settle in at the coast.
I have mentioned in previous writings that I was constantly comparing everywhere I was with Morro Bay. About a week after arriving here I asked Chris about the studio and one thing led to another and now her current tenant has just given notice, making the unit available mid March. Things occurred in such a way that it was clear to me and Chris that this will be good for both of us for as long as it will be. I am very excited about this and looking forward to spending more time here.
So, here I am, getting ready to settle in and more deeply explore this area and become more intimate with this section of Nature. I feel completely at home here and I know this is where I am to be for now. Just the thought of this alone gives me great joy. I had thought I would do greater traveling with the motor home, however, it is clear that aspect of my adventuring is coming to a close. I enjoyed every minute of it and I am a little sad to be setting it aside though now I am on to other new adventures, whatever, whenever, and wherever they may be.
To All Those Celebrating,
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Millie!
Happy Birthday, Trisha!
Happy Birthday, Tracy!
Happy Birthday, to Me!
Happy Birthday, Michael!
Happy Birthday, Valerie!
Happy Birthday, Danielle!
Happy Birthday, Patti!
Happy Birthday, Pat!
Happy Birthday, Francine!
Happy Birthday, Carol!
Happy Birthday, Lynn!
Keep close to nature's heart....
and break clear away,
once in a while,
and climb a mountain
or spend a week in the woods.
Wash your spirit clean!
John Muir
Enjoy your clean spirit!!!
Tickled pink to hear you will be in Morro Bay for quite a while! And am loving your photos. Time for us to get together again soon. You settling and me becoming more unsettled ;-)