Baby Apples!

This is how the apples look today. And if all goes according to apple growing, they will be ready to harvest in two and a half to three months. My mouth waters just thinking about that. Favorite apple is a Pink Lady. There are numerous trees here of that variety. They are a late apple, so October is when they are ready. Favorite caramel apple is a Granny Smith with chopped nuts in the caramel. Yummmmm. Patience! For now I shall enjoy all of the many other fresh fruits that are currently available.
I was sitting at the kitchen table a few days ago and a hummingbird came to the outside corner of the kitchen window and started picking at the cobweb. Apparently there were remnants of insects that had fallen victim to the cobwebs owner. It was fascinating to watch this little hummer dart in and out of the web. I could actually see it's mouth open as it approached what it was wanting to get. I think now, that it is important for me to leave these cobwebs so the humming birds have extra food sources. Probably isn't a good idea in the house, so I guess I'll just have to remove them as quickly as they are established. This year that has been a frequent occurrence. There seems to be an abundance of various species of spiders. Some of them move way too quick for me to capture and put outside. Thus, they end up in spider heaven. Sorry.
I have a favorite pair of Docker pants I purchased, oh, I guess maybe eight years ago. Needless to say, since they are my favorite pants, they have been washed many, many, many times. The very sad thing is now there are tiny holes at the edges of the pockets and at the bottom of the zipper, On the back, along the side of one pocket there is a small tear. The material has gotten quite thin and the bottom hems and top of the waist band are frayed. They are at a point that someone may accuse me of indecent exposure should I wear them in public. However, with what is being sold in the stores these day, I may be just in style. Finally, I have arrived. Right!
So grateful to currently live in an area where there are many varieties of song birds, fruit trees, sunny days, cool breezes and awesome trees. Prayers and blessings to those affected by the fires, floods and high temperatures. Heartfelt thanks to those assisting with the aid of people and animals displaced, the clean up of the areas devastated by the natural events and those working to bring a sense of balance.
The RV search continues. Looking at units. Friends calling with information on possible units. Parents of friends living in far away locations checking out units. Local dealerships searching their distant sites for inventory. Talking with the bank and other sources. Lots of activity around this part of my Adventure. I'm having dreams about motor homes and traveling, so this may be close. Sorting, of course, is ongoing. Getting things ready for the eventual estate sale. It is actually a liquidation sale, as everything is going. And not with me. Feeling lighter every day and a greater sense of peace surrounds it all. Very cool.
Enjoy the fresh produce!
This is how the apples look today. And if all goes according to apple growing, they will be ready to harvest in two and a half to three months. My mouth waters just thinking about that. Favorite apple is a Pink Lady. There are numerous trees here of that variety. They are a late apple, so October is when they are ready. Favorite caramel apple is a Granny Smith with chopped nuts in the caramel. Yummmmm. Patience! For now I shall enjoy all of the many other fresh fruits that are currently available.
I was sitting at the kitchen table a few days ago and a hummingbird came to the outside corner of the kitchen window and started picking at the cobweb. Apparently there were remnants of insects that had fallen victim to the cobwebs owner. It was fascinating to watch this little hummer dart in and out of the web. I could actually see it's mouth open as it approached what it was wanting to get. I think now, that it is important for me to leave these cobwebs so the humming birds have extra food sources. Probably isn't a good idea in the house, so I guess I'll just have to remove them as quickly as they are established. This year that has been a frequent occurrence. There seems to be an abundance of various species of spiders. Some of them move way too quick for me to capture and put outside. Thus, they end up in spider heaven. Sorry.
I have a favorite pair of Docker pants I purchased, oh, I guess maybe eight years ago. Needless to say, since they are my favorite pants, they have been washed many, many, many times. The very sad thing is now there are tiny holes at the edges of the pockets and at the bottom of the zipper, On the back, along the side of one pocket there is a small tear. The material has gotten quite thin and the bottom hems and top of the waist band are frayed. They are at a point that someone may accuse me of indecent exposure should I wear them in public. However, with what is being sold in the stores these day, I may be just in style. Finally, I have arrived. Right!
So grateful to currently live in an area where there are many varieties of song birds, fruit trees, sunny days, cool breezes and awesome trees. Prayers and blessings to those affected by the fires, floods and high temperatures. Heartfelt thanks to those assisting with the aid of people and animals displaced, the clean up of the areas devastated by the natural events and those working to bring a sense of balance.
The RV search continues. Looking at units. Friends calling with information on possible units. Parents of friends living in far away locations checking out units. Local dealerships searching their distant sites for inventory. Talking with the bank and other sources. Lots of activity around this part of my Adventure. I'm having dreams about motor homes and traveling, so this may be close. Sorting, of course, is ongoing. Getting things ready for the eventual estate sale. It is actually a liquidation sale, as everything is going. And not with me. Feeling lighter every day and a greater sense of peace surrounds it all. Very cool.
Enjoy the fresh produce!