I will be in Auburn until after Memorial Day. I prefer to stay put on holidays. People just seem to drive crazy, are in a hurry and seem to forget there are others out there.
I am at Machado's each night and last evening I was the grass police. The local elementary school had their open house and parents, etc. tend to not pay attention to where they park. So I guarded the lawn at the store to remind them to be responsible. The difficult thing is there is actually very little parking for those attending. Fortunately all went well. I did not have to blow my whistle even once.
Machado's store after closing for the day. |
The fare at Machado's right now is fresh bing and rainier cherries and apricots. They have amazing sources for their produce and it is great to be here to enjoy the bounty. It is wonderful to watch the fresh produce grow in variety as the season progresses. It would be great to be here in July when the peaches and nectarines are ripe.
Machado's Oak Tree in Spring. |
It was a little warmer this morning and I was prepared for the temperature drop last night. Yesterday was in the upper 60's and delightful. Predictions are the same with the possibility of showers on Monday. We'll see. It will be what it will be. There is nothing anyone can do to change the weather. If so, they have yet to let us know.
Machado's flowers in front of store. |
Dry skin. I forgot how dry skin can get here. It was so nice with all the moisture at the coast. It keeps the skin soft and smooth. Not so much here. I think I could drink tons of water and it would have little effect. I think the water here is harder, as well, so just have to use lots of lotion.
Machado's peach orchard at sunset. |
Saturday was a great time with Gaytrell. We went to The Flower Garden in Granite Bay. It is a bed and breakfast and they have a little cafe, nursery, and a wine tasting building. The weather was perfect for eating outside and meandering through the landscaped area of the nursery. We also checked out the iris farm, a nearby mobile home park and checked foliage measurements along her driveway at her home. Great day.
Sunday Millie came up and we had breakfast at Aweful Annie's. One of my favorite waitresses, Liz, was there so we sat in her section. A wonderful meal, then off to do a bit of shopping. We ended up at the Flour Garden for a cool drink and a German chocolate cake muffin, which we split. Again, another beautiful day to eat out side and enjoy the surroundings.
Last evening I checked in with Raina and visited with the cat I had to leave, Sam. He looks great and I got to hold and love on him. He still has the greatest purr box of every cat I have been around. Raina and Lynn take such good care of him. And apparently there are a few other cats that have joined the outside, keep the rodents at bay club.
The clouds that came in yesterday and looked so cool as they drifted by have given way to clear sky. It was a beautiful pinkish dawn and the temps are cool. Predicted showers late today. Anyone care to make a bet on this one? Not me. Too many predictions lay quiet on the sidelines.
Planning to do some catch up today and tomorrow I will schedule my stay in Winters. Also do some laundry. Oh, my kingdom for a clothes line. I was very spoiled while in Morro Bay. And so it is.
Happy Birthday, Emma!
Happy Birthday, Jodi!
Happy Birthday, Jill!
Happy Birthday, Deborah!
Happy Birthday, Kathy!
Happy Birthday, Heather!
Carol, have a great time in England!
Joyce, I hope you are feeling better!
Jen, where are you?
"Tomorrow never leaves a secret
in the book of Eternity!"
-Kahlil Gibran
Enjoy your today!