I can see heaven through the clouds. Here in Trinidad they seem to have some of the most beautiful and unusual cloud formations. Yesterday's were amazing and thankfully I had my camera with me. This makes up for all the other times I was out adventuring and forget to bring it along.
I am getting better at working with the light so the picture taken looks very close to what my eyes see. Or at least how my brain is interpreting what I see. It is all so fascinating and fun. I won't even pretend to understand the wonder of it all. Simply enjoying the view.
I am being invaded by little mice. Apparently they used to be in an unused trailer and were quite happy there until it was being cleaned out. I am the closest motor home so they have decided to check out my home.
I am working on finding all of their entry points and stuffing them with steel wool and the pest control company is coming Tuesday to set traps. I told the owner I was against poison or sticky tape and he assured me there were other solutions. I will definitely talk with the people that come to deal with the issue to be certain they are compassionate with these little critters.
It is kind of funny as they only come to visit during the night when I have turned out all the lights. They wait until I am asleep and then I hear them. I have yet to actually see any of them. Though their presence is evident the next morning when I open drawers and see their left overs. Tuesday seems a long way off.
There is another motor home a few spaces from me that has been vacant since early October. The owners hope to return the end of December. Hopefully it is sealed enough that the little critters are unable to get in the unit. Otherwise, well, let's avoid thinking about that.
We had a bit of rain two days ago and into the night and since, it has again been stellar beautiful. After working yesterday I walked to the harbor and just sat and enjoyed the sun and fresh clean air. It was wonderful.
I had forgotten the results of a holiday weekend until I was in town and saw all of these people wandering around and causing a delay for my meal. Then it dawned on me that they were all here enjoying the area over the extended days off. Makes me appreciate the locals even more.
I met the most wonderful couple up from the Los Angeles area who were only going to stay two nights and then decided to extend their visit due to the large number of great hiking trails. I experienced a feeling as though they were part of my family.
I absolutely love when people, animals and things show up in our lives at the most unexpected moments that make ones heart sing. This couple brought this to me and I am so grateful they chose to stay here rather than at some other housing. Had they done that instead, I would be without this special experience. I am so blessed and so grateful.
To All Those Celebrating,
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Judith!
Happy Birthday, John!
Happy Birthday, Angel!
"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic --
the inexplicable connectedness
we sometimes experience with
places, people, works of art and the like;
the eerie appropriateness
of moments of synchronicity;
the whispered voice,
the hidden presence,
when we think we're alone."
Enjoy the connectedness!
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