Saturday was the day of the city wide yard sale here in Morro Bay. I helped my friends, Joyce and Pete, who were able to use the yard of friends. The streets near where we were are rather narrow making it interesting to watch as people attempted to find parking. Most of them gave up and parked their cars on wider streets and simply walked the areas that were of interest to them. As I looked up the streets you could see people everywhere, like ants at a picnic. It was really quite comical and almost invading.

I feel the location we had was perfect as it is on a corner and the home itself is charming. Many people shyly came up to us asking if it was our home. We politely replied no though wished it might be so. Actually not for me, as it is way too big to clean. It is, in my opinion, one of the most charming and inviting homes in the city.
So the other interesting thing of the day was a home nearby that is listed for sale. I had seen it Friday and Saturday mornings and thought to myself that I would really like to see the inside. This little home is on one of the small lots in the city, the area called the "heights." It is very desirable due to its location. Close to the down town and Embarcadero areas yet out of the main stream of traffic. Quite and with a view of the Rock. What more could one ask for?
Well, I was fortunate to see that an open house was being held as I walked home. To me the little cottage looks just like a little English cottage with large aged plants in the front yard that is surrounded by a white picket fence. I half expected to see elves and fairies hiding and peeking and flittering about among the front yard plants.
It has a single car detached garage behind the house and a nice sized back yard with grass and plants and a small patio for a table and chairs. The size of the house is 560 square feet! Yes, 560 square feet! This is the size of some apartments one could rent.
Investigating the homes rooms was easy. The front of the house has a delightful bay window which is the one bedroom of the home. There is a small shower lavatory off the bedroom. There is a small living space with a small dining area. The kitchen, of course, was small and beyond that is a small laundry area and a bit of a pantry where the water heater is located. The layout of the home was nice considering its size. If I remember correctly the home was built in 1916 or 1926. Unsure. For the day it was probably considered spacious and comfortable.
I think it would be comfortable for one person, perhaps two very friendly people. A family would be a huge stretch. So, here is the kicker. The listed price is $299,995! Yes, $299,995. In the real estate world they would remind the perspective buyer about location being extremely desirable and the potential for adding on. One might do what many have done before them and tear it down and rebuild a new home.
To me it is sad to see these adorable and quaint homes being leveled to make way for a a house that is larger and more modern in style. Then again, each to their own. I would prefer to see the old be restored and refurbished and taken care of. Yet I understand the desire to have something that is new and up to date and modern.
And I am thrilled with the location of the RV park where I am. Close to everything so walking wherever I need is doable. I do my best to remember the things I need so I can keep the grocery store off the must do walks. This leaves time for more, where I would rather go, walks. Fortunately this is usually how it is and I am grateful.
Last night and today it has been incredibly windy. It makes one want to stay in shelter until it calms down. I was invited to go to San Luis Obispo this morning, so Dorothy and I braved the elements. It was a cold wind so that only added to the, want to shelter, feel. We accomplished all that we wanted to and found the wind still going strong when we returned to Morro Bay. Just have to wait it out.
It is fun being in the RV because there are so many people here from other states and countries. I recently had a few chats with two couples from Holland. Over the winter there have been lots of folks from Washington and Oregon. By the time I leave at the end of April I am certain representatives from many other states will arrive and enjoy the summer on the central coast.
It will seem odd to leave here as I feel so at home. I have talked with those that live in San Diego and other coastal cities that love to come to Morro Bay to vacation and rest. It is anything other than a place to make money and build a career or start a business. It is a place to come and find the peace in your heart and connect with nature in a very unique and special way.
I know I am very privileged to be here now and I am so grateful for all this wonderful place has given and shared with me. This is where the swans stirred my heart to do this amazing Adventure and from here is the support and knowledge to continue on to wherever I go.
Right now I feel I would love to eventually return here to finally settle, and yet I have a very funny feeling that I may find other places and areas that will cause me to fell this same way. I suspect it will all unfold as it is meant to do. I shall enjoy the flow of it all.
"You must be in a space of
loving everyone -
more than that,
you've got to see yourself as
connected to everyone -
in order to get the attention
of your Source."
- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Enjoy your location!