Friday, April 5, 2013


Heron and water reflections!

The things that can be seen when the tides are low can be fascinating.  It is most noticeable around the  harbor and the boat docks, which are constructed so they can move up and down with the flow of the tides.  The sea and shore birds have greater access to some of their food sources when the tides are low. 

The tide height can also be seen rather clearly on the beach.  It is usually well marked where the high tide has reached on the sand once the water has receded.  When the tide is low, much more is visible and accessible.  This is the perfect time to investigate all of the tide pools that become exposed.  Many times star fish can be seen clinging to the sides of the exposed rocks.  

Heron looking for food in the plants!
A few days ago, with the most recent minus tide, I was able to observe  four herons, six egrets and many other waterfowl working the waters edge for food along the shore line of the harbor.  The herons would hold ever so still in their search, while the egrets gently shook a foot in the grasses of the water to scare out any potential meals.  They all have their own unique way of "fishing."

Water reflections with a beautiful heron!
 I found, besides the tide book for the area, that the easiest way for me to see whether the tide is coming in or going out is looking at the boats moored at their buoys.  When the front (bow) of the boat is pointing inland, the tide is moving out.  And when the bow of the boat is pointing out to sea, the tide is coming in.  It is always fun to watch when the tide is changing and the boats are all pointing in different directions with the waters movement.  Very entertaining.

An egret and company looking for food!
Three days ago I woke up and felt as though everything was right in the universe.  I felt calm and happy and peaceful.  As though everything that was happening in that moment was perfect.  I have been experiencing this off and on now for at least a month.  I am uncertain if it is because of where I am or if it is because I am settling in with who I am and all that I am doing right now. I am certain it is of little matter since it all means the same thing anyway.

So, for right now, all is perfect (which it always is) and I am peacefully excited.  The excited feeling is almost as though I have butterflies in my stomach and heart.  It is the feeling one gets just before something wonderful is about to occur.  You know it is coming.  Well, this is knowing it is here and it is wonderful.  I am definitely experiencing many moments of my heaven here on earth.  Loving it.  Though it makes me curious about the traveling thing.  Is the discovery of all that is happening here what I was guided to do or am I to continue traveling in the discovery of many other experiences.  We shall see.  Either way, I am excited for each new moment and occurrence.

A cormorant looking for food!
It rained last night, which woke me from a deep sleep.  It was a bit cloudy this morning and this has given way to a beautiful sun shiny day.  The tourists that are here this week are different than those here last week.  These people are parents,  and friends, etc. of the students at Cal Poly.  They seem a little calmer and more adjusted to the area and less in a hurry.  There are many more people surfing in the bay and a few more in the local coffee cafes.  And by the end of the coming weekend, which is also the city wide yard sale, everyone will have gone back to where they came from.  All will then be a bit less congested until the end of May.  Then, watch out for the craziness of summer tourists.

Egret flying over the harbor waterway!
I have been seeing some pelicans here and there.  I am glad to see they are still around and I actually saw one dive and catch a meal a few days ago.  I am so glad their food source is still intact for the moment.  They had a rough winter with a lack of food.  I wonder though, if there were enough young ones that survived the winter and can carry on the species.  I certainly hope so.

I continue to pick up other peoples garbage on the walkways and to and around the Rock area.  The greatest amount of trash is cigarette butts.  The City has trash containers everywhere so it seems a bit confusing that people choose to throw things on the ground rather than in a receptacle that is less than a few feet away.  

My son and daughter-in-law are coming to visit me next weekend.  I am very excited since I have not seen them since January when I was in the Sacramento area.  I talk with my daughter-in-law almost every day which helps bridge the distance and seeing them face to face.  I was able to find a good rate at one of the local motels, so all is good.

"Eventually you will come to understand
that love heals everything,
and love is all there is."
- Gary Zukav

Enjoy your tides!

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