Monday, October 7, 2013


What a beautiful drive from Port Orford, Oregon to Klamath, California.  I must have stopped at least a dozen times along the way to enjoy the sounds, smells and views of the ocean and the scenery.  It was breathtaking.  Just south of Port Orford and looking back toward the town, the beach was so inviting.  I almost stayed to walk the beach, though somehow I knew I would be making lots of stops along the way, so kept moving.

Different water colors
This stretch of Hwy 101 gives lots of opportunities to view the ocean and lots of turnouts so people can pull over and rest, take pictures and simply enjoy.  (This is so not the case when driving north!)  Again, since the rain so thoroughly cleaned everything, all of the plant life and trees and grasses seem happy and thriving.  And with the air so crystal clear, everything felt more alive and stunning.  I was in heaven the entire drive.

When I arrived in Klamath and the RV park I was greeted by lady bugs everywhere.  They surrounded my motor home and landed all over it.  It was a bit unnerving at first because I thought they were bees and was pleasantly surprised to see what they truly were.  I almost had a few enter my little home and was glad they were unsuccessful.  They definitely do much better out of doors.  There were also several of the smallest frogs I have ever seen.  They were hanging out around the post that supports the electrical, cable and water connections.

Everything is much the same as when I was here in July.  It is still a wonderful area along the river.  This time of year, when the inland temperatures are cooler, there is less fog so waking and going to sleep with clear skies is the norm.  The river is very calm and glassy and the owners say the fishermen are currently catching fish here in the river, rather than at the ocean outlet, which was the case up until now.  Ah, Mother Nature keeps us all on our toes.

The flowers continue to grow here and are lush and beautiful.  This is apparently one of the magical places where flowers do their thing for a good part of the year.  They will be unattended once November arrives and the owners leave for higher and dryer ground.  Depending on the rain during the winter, hopefully everything will have survived and the flora will thrive again for next years visitors.

I am in awe of how stunningly beautiful the days are here.  It feels so restful and comforting and peaceful.  I could definitely handle a month or so being in this environment.  I may just have to add a few days.  I am, however, spying a few parks in Trinidad which is one of my favorite areas along the coast.  I think it was back in the 70's when I first saw Trinidad and became immediately enthralled.  So, since I am so close I may as well stay a few days.

To All Those Celebrating,
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Shawn!
Happy Birthday, Andie!

"Health is the greatest gift,
contentment the greatest wealth,
faithfulness the best relationship!"
 - Buddha

Enjoy your health!

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