Monday, April 23, 2012

Drove an RV Today !!!

OK, so I have driven a Uhaul and a truck with a camper before.  This was my first time actually driving a motor home.  The one I drove is 26 feet long.  Longer than I actually want, so I was curious how I would handle driving one this long.   It was interesting because I was calm and collected.  I parked it, backed it up and drove around some obstacles to boot. The dealer said that as long as I go slow I can't mess up too bad.  Pretty awesome.  I think this means I am closer to that drive away day.  I would prefer one that is 24 feet or less so it will be easy to maneuver in the National Parks.  We shall see how it looks once it is detailed and whether it passes smog.  I like this one.  I was in a Minnie Winnie several days ago and it simply didn't appeal to me.  I think I am getting excited.  No, wait, I am!

T'is the season.  Allergy, that is.  Since we had such a mild winter pollen is very high this year.  Itchy eyes are the biggest issue.  I remember my Mom struggling with itchy eyes and it was difficult for me to relate to her experience.  Well, thanks a lot, as I am experiencing it now big time.  My car is really silver, however it currently is mustard yellow because of the pollen. Every time I get in to go somewhere I have to use the windshield washer so I can see.    It is everywhere.  I must remember that when my sojourn is complete I will return to living on the coast where I am allergy free.

The weather forecast for Wednesday is that we will have rain and snow in the mountains.  So, in less that one week I have had my heater on and then my air conditioner on and it looks as though I will be back to heater again mid week.  The night time lows look alright for leaving the potted outside plants outside.  The dogwood trees are blooming and one meteorologist said that it isn't officially spring until it snows on the dogwoods.  Looks as though Wednesday it is. This will be a blessing for all of us allergy people.  Very grateful. Today it is in the mid 70's with a little breeze and absolutely a gorgeous day.  This must be the calm before the storm......

Dentist is done.  Blood work came back a bit off for what I wanted, so adjustments are in place.  All will be good to go in time.  Some plants have already gone to my Son and Daughter-in-law, farewell gifts to my Sis and a few others and I am progressing nicely with a project that needs completing before I leave.  Being that I am free of a time frame, I think I can safely say I am right on schedule.

In the past week I have had two days of absolute bliss when everything I wanted to accomplish simply fell into place.  I was focused, happy and energized.  I was actually multitasking, free of brain fog and and feeling very satisfied at the end of the day.  I love these days and look forward to many, many more.

Wishing everyone bliss days.


  1. Omg! U found a unit? U must hold out for a shorter one so that I will have longer time. Its only april roe, no rush, take it easy mama. I cant take it! Whaaaaaa! Oxoxox

  2. Relax, not yet. Still looking. Several more over the next week. I am getting much more clear on what I want though. I think I keep saying that. It is true. So I'm still here and still have packing to do. Wipe your tears and smile now!!! oxoxox back at you....
