Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Just When I Think It Is Safe...

My poor potted outside plants that have been inside all winter are begging to get outside again.  While I can occasionally hang sheets outside to dry during the day, the temperatures will end up in the 30's at night so the plants need to stay inside a bit longer.

The time at the coast was wonderful.  Mostly sunny with awesome clouds.  This picture was taken in Cayucos during a morning walk.

Later in the afternoon while driving to Morro Bay, I had to stop and capture Morro Rock.  Within 15 minutes it rained, no poured for about a half of an hour.

It was funny that all the people out shopping and sight seeing simply disappeared.  Maybe they thought they would melt or shrink.  I should be so lucky.  Had to laugh.  I had all the stores and the restaurant where I ate all to myself.  Very nice.

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