Thursday, April 5, 2012

Frost on the Pumpkins?

April 5th and at 7:30 am there was still ice on my car windshield, I could see my breath and frost on the roofs.  The peach tree blossoms are fading and the apple trees are just now starting to leaf and bloom.  It will be interesting to see how all the fruit trees fare with this very unusual winter / spring.  I'm unclear as to what season we are truly in at the moment.

Seeing lots of robins and our huge resident hawk is looking for breakfast.  This past storm dumped a good amount of water and now the clouds have moved off to the east and are hanging out over the Sierra.  I love mornings.  Feels as though everything is fresh and awake.  Can't always say that for myself.  At the moment, it is true.

I want to thank Kathy and her "girls" for the wonderful fresh eggs.  This is something I will truly miss.  Maybe they can be shipped!  Hummm.  The big question would be where.

Thanks to Kristina for connecting me to an RV rep.  Going for a tutorial soon.  The right vehicle is going to show up one of these days.  I have a few more projects to complete before I venture out in our country so I'm fine with how things are progressing.

This is an excited day.  A day when it feels as though everything is perfect in the Universe.  Love these days.  There are those other days too.  For now, awesome.

Congratulations to Schylar on all of his recent accomplishments.  And to Jen for being accepted into the vet school in London.  Yay!  I get to go to London someday.

The hawk is continuing to look for breakfast though has changed his positioning.  The robins and all the other variety of local birds are singing.  

Have a happy day!