So, I thought I was moving locations today and surprise, I am here until Sunday. It is that old plan making thing again. I am able to laugh about it all now, which was not the case early in the Adventure. I would get frustrated and cranky and think something was wrong, which of course, was just the Universe looking out for me. I am very grateful this process is much easier for me now. Whew! I am also grateful that I have ample food to get me through until I can shop on Sunday.
Margie and Dart: I am headed your way. I'll be in touch.
While there have been copious amounts of fog in the early mornings and sometimes in the evenings and sometimes all day, we have lately been graced with an abundance of sunshine. Today is the third day of sunshine and last evening I was able to watch the sunset and view the moon as it was making its way across the sky. It was beautiful and warm.
So just a few interesting things to note. Across the street from the RV park is a house that apparently has roosters. I am unable to see them though they crow at all times of the day and night. This seems a bit odd though what do I know. There are also crows here in the park. I can hear them caw periodically during the day and when they land on the roof of the RV I scrunch for fear it is coming through the roof. Then they walk (tromp) across the roof and start to pick at whatever is of interest up there. I proceed to rock the RV and pound on the roof (from the inside) and they depart. I will definitely need to get the roof inspected when I have the chance. I'm not going up there. Could be danger.
It is so quiet here in the park that I can hear the ocean surf all day and night. Obviously it is louder at times depending on the wind and other natural elements. We did have some rain off and on for several days though now everything is dry and it appears as though it never rained at all. It must be soaking in very quickly as it is failing to assist the grass in being green.
I walked to the local post office yesterday morning, which is the only business in this little town. I think I saw that the population here is a little over 400 people. While there are some cute houses I rarely see other people than those here in the park. It was a nice walk along the highway and I discovered wild blackberry bushes. Guess what I am doing later. Yep.
I am noticing that I am following the trail of ripened berries and fruit. What was ripe in California when I left is just now coming ripe along my way. It is fun to constantly have access to fresh ripe fruit of the area. Even a few of the little grocers have local ripe fruit and vegetables. Things that would be unavailable in any large store. Good for the locals and us travelers.
I also saw some ducks in the backwaters near the other beach access. There were quite a few of them, however they scattered when some other walkers got too close to them. I'm seeing some wildlife though minimal. Not a huge variety of water birds or shore birds or birds at all. Interesting. I am missing the sounds of the song birds I have had at some other places. I'm sure they will surface in time and location.
To all those celebrating,
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Jean!
Happy Birthday, Joe!
Happy Birthday, Ed!
Happy Birthday, James!
"When we meditate
we slow ourselves into
stillness and silence
so we can finally hear
the whispers
deep within our heart."
- Davidji
Enjoy your stillness!
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