I am feeling at home here and settled in quickly. It appears the way it was when I was here in July with the exception of flowers. They have all faded and mums are the only things blooming now. Wednesday and Thursday were beautiful sun shinny days with a slight breeze. A sweatshirt was perfect for the temperatures. Exactly my kind of weather. I walked to the beach and enjoyed the large waves that were the result of the previous several days of storms. Awesome!!! The ocean surf, which is very rough as a result of the storms, can be heard in the park at night.
Friday now reveals rain. Predictions are for five inches by Monday and rain continuing until next Wednesday. Hmm! I trust my toes will stay separated and my motor home will stay in contact with the ground. As far as I know, this thing is incapable of floating. I guess I could attach pontoons. No, I will deal with whatever happens.
I had been feeling how clean everything was after the last rains. Everything feels refreshed and renewed and ready to carry on. I think that after this next batch of rain things will feel the same or more so and perhaps just a bit water logged. I am grateful the rainfall will be happening over four to five days rather than all at once.
Fall is definitely in the air, in the trees and all around. The day light hours are getting less and less. The night time temperatures are cooler and shadows are getting longer as the sun is moving southward. It is September and Christmas decorations are already out in the stores I have been in lately. Halloween has yet to occur. Really?
It is interesting how the rain begins with these huge drops, then becomes sort of steady (with what I would call regular sized drops) and then, it mists or rains so gently and soft that I am unable to hear it on my roof even though I see it out my window. It seems the rain drops come in three sizes and the large and small drops are at the edges of the actual rain. Very curious!!!
I am in the need of a dentist so I contacted Mikki in Florence, who I met when last there, and she gave me a recommendation. My plan is to be in Florence on Monday, so I will call now and see what I can arrange. I had a recommendation for one in Lincoln City however, they are closed until Monday. So it will be Florence. Thanks Mikki!
On the sunny days I was so happy to see several robins. They seemed to come to my site to let me know they are around. I have heard and seen geese flying north and there seems to be more rabbits than before. There are definitely young ones now. The crows have shown up and meander around the park looking for whatever they can eat. The rabbits and crows end up very close to each other and neither seems to mind.
To all those celebrating,
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Dotty!
Happy Birthday, Laura!
Happy Birthday, Dave!
Happy Birthday, Beth!
Happy Birthday, Barb!
"If you want others to be happy,
practice compassion.
If you want to be happy,
practice compassion!"
- Dalai Lama
Enjoy your happiness!