Watercolor by Sandy Brown
Just how much stuff can one person have? Apparently quite a bit. This purging process is definitely a good thing to do every so often. Though I have to admit, this is a different kind of purge, where virtually everything is going. While there is great storage in the coach, it leaves little room for any extras. The motor home came with two small pictures and a clock. These will be replaced with one piece of original art work (above) and something else that has yet to be determined. I'll see what is left after the Estate Sale.
And here is a picture of the bamboo plant I received from Danielle many years ago. (Do you remember this, Danielle?) I added a metal butterfly and love the combination. This will go nicely on the counter top, thanks to florist putty.
Since I will be traveling a good part of the time, I will be unable to receive mail. This is going to be strange for me since I am such a paper person. I love stationery and note cards. I use them often with clients and friends. My only downfall is wanting to write long individual notes to each person, so it takes me forever. I'm glad I do it because each person is so unique and special. It is unclear how I will do without actual mail. It may be all electronic for a while. So contact will be via email, or the blog.
I will also miss hanging sheets, etc. out on the line to dry in the sunshine. I love how everything smells and feels when I do. This past winter was so mild I think I only had to resort to my dryer a few times. Of course, it took longer outside with lower temperatures, though I was fine with all of it. I'll be able to hang some things in the coach, however, sheets could be a bit tricky. I doubt attaching them to the back of the coach as I am driving along will be wise. I'll have to figure something out.
I am sure there will be many things I will need to figure out once I get started. That is part of the fun for me. I do so much better when I do it myself. Then, of course, I write it down so the next time I go to do it, I am ready.
"We will be known forever by the tracks we leave."
Native American Proverb
Hopefully the tracks will be gentle on the earth....
Enjoy leaving your tracks!