Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Now that it is officially Spring, I think it is alright to add more flowers to my writings.  There are so many different varieties and various colors they almost make you dizzy.  They are predicting this weekend to be the most fabulous peak of blooms.  I hope everyone is able to be out there and enjoy as many of them as you can find.  For here, we are being told the weather will be spectacular.  Even though I enjoy them every day, I am excited to see the display over this weekend.  Just in time for Spring!

Recently,I have been taking my walks during different times of the day.  This gives a new perspective to the areas I visit. Light and shadows are different, as well as, a complete change of the people I see.  I miss the usual critters with their people though.  I guess I will cycle back occasionally so I can visit with them in the mornings. 

I was feeling weak yesterday and was about to go to the French Bakery when I realized they are closed on Tuesdays.  The Universe was protecting me from myself again.  Today could be a very different story.  However, I am waiting for the repair person to show up and this will keep me put for now.

Earthquakes - 7 days, M2.5+ is a great site for viewing the earthquakes around the world.  If any of you have yet to check this site out, I think you will enjoy what it offers.  When the earthquake occurred in Japan, it was amazing to watch how the circles just kept laying down on top of each other with all of the after shocks that occurred.  I also like watching how the "ring of fire" is doing.

There is also a volcano site that is fun to visit, Global Volcanism Program Volcanic Activity Reports SI - USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report.  There are so many great things about the Internet.  I learn so much and it is easy for me to spend way too many hours in trance.  And I wonder why my back is tired afterwards!!!

This is for Gaytrell!

I have been in email contact with a person I met here who is from Canada.  She and her dog are currently in New Mexico dealing with a great variance in daytime and nighttime temperatures.  It sounds as though some of the areas she wants to visit are still under snow.  This is obviously one of the reasons I am waiting to begin traveling east.  I am alright with more moderate and even temps.  Though the cherry blossoms in DC are so worth seeing this time of the year, I will wait for another year or so to see them again.  I have been fortunate to be visiting my brother and his family twice during the peak and all I can say is "WOW."

A couple of times I have met Stanley while walking.  He is a most beautiful golden retriever with what appears to be frosted fur at the tips.  I have no idea what the names are of his people and none of us seem to mind.  He is almost as big as Duke, who is huge.  His fur is simply amazing and the lighter ends make him look as though he has lighter fur than it actually is.  His face is white and he is completely sweet and gentle.  This is one of my favorite breeds and I would love having another one as a companion on my Adventure.  We shall see.

The predicted rain for today occurred last night, twice for about ten minutes each.  Barely a sprinkle.  Love the sound on my roof.  Although I have been sleeping so soundly I may have missed any further precipitation during the night.  Today It is relatively mild and the sun is trying ever so hard to shine through the clouds.  I am certain it will for tomorrow.  Who knows, maybe some stars tonight.  

"Happy Birthday, Stacey!!!

"I will act now.  I will act now.  I will act now.
Henceforth, I will repeat these words each hour,
each day, everyday, until the words
become as much a habit as my breathing,
and the action which follows becomes as instinctive
as the blinking of my eyelids.
With these words I can condition my mind
to perform every action necessary for my success.
I will act now.
I will repeat these words again and again and again.
I will walk where failures fear to walk.
I will work when failures seek rest.
I will act now for now is all I have.
Tomorrow is the day reserved for the labor of the lazy.  Tomorrow is the day when the failure will succeed.
I will act now.  This is the time  This is the place.
I am the person."
- Og Mandino

Enjoy your actions!

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