A most unusual event has been occurring all morning. I woke up around 5 am and discovered it was soupy thick fog. I often check the NOAA's National Weather Service to get an idea of what the weather may be. Well, the past several days they have had it all wrong. There were two beautiful sunny days when they predicted fog and yesterday they predicted today would be sunny and low and behold, fog.

Fog encourages me to cook. An egg scramble with bacon and veggies plus a fiber protein smoothie made for a yummy breakfast. My crock pot is filled with turkey and seasonings for later. This is good as it helps me avoid stopping by the French Bakery.
My walks have been to different areas too. I want to keep checking the hills for the blooming flowers and be ready to snatch a photo when it is optimal time. I think a walk to the nursery will give me the "What is it?" answer for the neon pink flowers. Since I have taken many flower pictures I will continue to add them to these writings. They bring much beautiful color to a black and white page. I like it. And as you can see, right now I am on a purple kick. Actually there are simply many varieties of purple blossoms out there right now. And this area seems to boast purple. Makes me wonder if the climate dictates this. Hum....

I talked with my former mother-in-law yesterday and she is doing better. Thank you for all your healing thoughts and prayers.
Oh my gosh, the aromas coming from the crock pot are delightful. I still have several hours before the taste delight will be ready. Patience. Patience. Patience. This is probably a good time to go for a walk Then when I return to my rolling home I will have to hurry to get the veggies cooked so I can indulge myself. Anticipation!
"During this time of great imbalance on planet earth we may feel ourselves torn between the priorities of healing ourselves - resolving our own inner spiritual or psychological problems, and attempting to cure the social and economic ills that beset our culture. While each of us undoubtedly has much inner work to do, this attitude misses the main point of earth prayer. It continues to view the individual as somehow separate from the rest of the world. But if we accept that we are totally part of this living earth, then we must recognize that isolated health is an illusion. Healing ourselves and working to resolve the contradictions in the human-earth ecology is the same work. ...knowing that we are not encapsulated, self-enclosed entities, but rather fields of energy integrated with the environment, everything we do transforms and reshapes the world. If our actions can destroy. So can they heal!"
- taken from the book
- Earth Prayers From Around The World
Enjoy your momentary weather!
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