I am so excited that my son and daughter-in-law (Tim and Darlene) are coming to visit during mid April. Yea!!! I last spent time with them late December and saw them briefly the end of January. We talk almost every day though hugs for real are the best. We will have lots to do.

I had a wonderful visit with my former mother-in-law Sunday. She will be 91 in May and is still doing very well on her own. Though she does not drive, there are several friends that take her on her errands and to appointments. She and one of her friends go to Taco Bell every Saturday for lunch. It is wonderful she is still doing all she does. And then she told me about another friend of hers who is 94 and is almost never home since she does so much volunteering. I wonder what it is about all of these people here who are enjoying their longevity. Pretty amazing.
Since I was moving the spot I would be staying in here in the RV park, I decided to drive the motor home when I went to visit my former mother-in-law. It was a good thing since I discovered a few issues that need attention. I obviously have much more to learn about this little home on wheels. I have a call into the repair person and I am waiting to hear from him so we can schedule taking care of these issues. There are a few things I can do myself with a little assistance. Grateful for that!

It was three years ago March 3rd since my Mom passed. She was 91 and a half and had been still living on her on until five months prior to her actual passing. She did have someone come in and help her three hours a day during the week. I had just brought her to the coast the previous July and all of us "kids" were with her to celebrate her 91st birthday in August. September took her into the hospital which ended up being the last time she would see her home.
She rebounded several times and with rehab she almost made it back home, though I saw that her body was just giving out on her. It wasn't until December that we were told she would be unable to leave the rehab facility to go home and be on her own. That January and February were the months when her memory changed and she lived completely in the present moment. I was living in Auburn then and drove almost every weekend to visit with her in Clovis.

And so it went. We would get her all bundled up and we would go for a walk down the street, with her in her wheel chair. She loved being outside and sometimes we would just go outside to their patio area and sit in the sun. She would marvel about the leaves or lack of them and the colors of the flowers that managed to bloom at that time of year. We talked about all kinds of things.

So, guess I am out and about now for the day. Another walk seems in order and perhaps a stop at the little health food store. They always have such fun things to look at and discover. Baked salmon for dinner with steamed zucchini. Yum!!!
Enjoy your present moment!!!
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