This was my first time to actually attend a Regional Competition. I have watched these amazing horses and riders during the Olympics and have been amazed. Up close and personal was a great treat. Hearing the rhythm of the hoofs as they impact the ground, the breathing of the animal as it passes by and the sounds of the saddle as the rider is posting, all remind me of days long ago when I owned and rode my own horse. This is a much greater level of skill and technique than I ever had and it causes me to wonder just how this is all accomplished.
The training and patience of those working with these animals must be tremendous. I heard many unfamiliar terms and I watched as horses were warmed up before their performance, wet down after they rode and then stabled. The attention to detail and care of these animals is wonderful.
And the riders. The focus they must maintain while riding has to be immense. Watching this particular rider, when not riding, showed her very intense on every aspect of the care and preparation of each horse before she would ride. She has ridden several horses in championships and is a picture of elegant style to watch as she rides. Perhaps some day she will ride in the Olympics. It was quite an honor to attend and observe all of this amazing horse magic.
I always love how smoothly and effortlessly my car seems to drive after it has been serviced. I have also noticed that the same phenomenon occurs after my car has been washed and cleaned. The car has a slick surface that, I think, allows the car to just be slippery. It feels as though the car and I seem to slip through the air a bit easier. No bugs or dust or dirt to drag us down. Less resistance. This, of course, increases gas mileage. I wonder if there have been any studies on this. Seems worth looking into.
There is a butterfly bush planted on the side of my front porch. It has fairly deep purple flowers that are a source of food for the butterflies and hummingbirds. This year, for whatever reason, the plant is sending its branches through the wood railings and onto the porch. It is great because as I walk in and out of the house these fragrant blossoms greet me and my visitors. Between the airy branches, the sweet flower smells and the deep purple blossoms, it makes for an awesome treat for the senses.
Speaking of the front porch, I was sitting outside one evening and noticed something dark on the side of the wall. All sorts of things ran through my mind because I couldn't make out what it was from where I was sitting and the dim lighting. Being brave, I got up and slowly walked toward whatever it was. I really thought it was a huge spider. Thank God it wasn't. It was a small tree frog clinging to the vinyl siding. They are really cute. So, I left him/her in peace.
Several years ago I had a swamp cooler in one of the windows and occasionally I would find one of these little dears jumping around in the living room. It was always tricky capturing them and returning them to the outside. Apparently they were attracted to the water in the bottom of the cooler, because when the cooler was removed there were several in the water pan below the unit. I am grateful they have survived. Makes me curious though, about where they are hanging out these days.
Another odd finding inside the house was a lizard. When I first noticed it I thought it was some spilled water, since it was a darker area on the carpet. I went to step over it to get something to clean it with when I almost fell, realizing what it was. How do I capture this critter and return him to the wild? I finally put a waste basket over him to contain him until I could figure out what to do next. I then decided to get a file folder and slipped it under the waste basket (hoping the lizard was on top of the folder) and carefully carried it all outside. I placed everything on the ground and lifted the basket and was happy to see as the lizard scurried away. Another rescue achieved! I wonder why all these litter creatures are coming inside? I am certain there are better food choices outside. Although the number of spiders in the house this year is ridiculous.
So, I am off to finishing laundry, watering the lawns and rv searching on the web.
Enjoy whatever comes to your senses!
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