Well, according to the weather channels, it is supposed to be raining. Someone forgot to look outside. Again! The Rock was actually glowing gold this morning as the sun was shining on it. It was very dynamic since the sky was filled with dark clouds and the water in the harbor was so still and glass like, reflecting the Rock so beautifully. Very calm this morning.

While we were chatting, the sky was almost completely clear and the sun was generating much warmth. All of us, that had checked the weather before we started our walk, had on several layers, ready for the rain and cold. It was certainly eluding us at this point in time. So, one sheds a layer or two and continues on.

Of course, it is also very calm and still due to all of the tourists going back to their homes yesterday. I am very grateful for this. The streets are almost deserted and one can walk down the sidewalks without being mobbed or bumped. I realize the local businesses rely on tourists for their lively hood, however, I sure do enjoy the peace and quite when they are gone.
"There are three masteries that lead people to become Toltecs.
First is the Mastery of Awareness.
This is to be aware of who we really are, with all the possibilities.
The second is the Mastery of Transformation -
how to change, how to be free of domestication.
The third is the Mastery of Intent.
Intent from the Toltec point of view
is that part of life that makes transformation of energy possible;
it is the one living being that seamlessly encompasses all energy,
or what we call "God."
Intent is life itself; it is unconditional love.
The Mastery of Intent is therefore the Mastery of Love."
- Don Miguel Ruiz
from his book
The Four Agreements
Happy Birthday, Chris B.!
Enjoy your calm!
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