I finally came across some old friends, Maki and Annie, whose people are Dorothy and Bob. They were all on their walk this morning near the Rock. It was so good seeing them all and catching up on everything. They actually saw the same stray dog that Margie and Dart found and took to the animal shelter in San Luis Obispo yesterday.
While Margie and Dart were at the shelter they discovered the dog is a female whose name is Mae and apparently is an escape artist, as she has been there before. She has a chip and the shelter called and left a message at the number they have on file for her. Here is hoping she is reunited with her people soon. She is such a sweet dog.
Today is a most beautiful bright sun shiny day and all the animals and birds seemed to agree. This handsome fellow was basking in the sun along the rocks at the wharf. His pose is what captured my attention first, (along with his huge size) and he simply remained there the entire time I was watching. This is a sea lion which is determined by the external ears. He was rather high up out of the water yet seemed quite comfortable with his perch.
Lots of people stopped to take pictures and marvel at his size. Here I chatted with an "old salt" gentleman for at least half an hour as he told me stories of his adventures. He was quite entertaining and currently lives on a sail boat moored at the dock close to our showboat sea lion.
Several flowers are out in full bloom in many areas and, most notably along the board walk from the wharf to the Rock, where they have planted lots and lots of fragrant Sweet Alyssum. What has surprised me is that my food has little taste due to my cold, however, I am very able to smell these wonderful small flowers. Ah, the mysteries of life.

The pelicans have changed their habits since I was here last. They have eluded me for the most part and are failing to show up at some of their usual haunts. I have also noticed a lack of fishermen at the fish cleaning stations which would contribute to the lack of pelicans there. I am curious what is going on. Tomorrow may be a good day to stop in at the Harbor Patrol office and ask some questions. Some of the things the "old salt" said may be true, which would be disturbing.
It fascinates me that I can virtually walk the same path every day and see and experience so many new things. I see things I had missed previous days. I smell new things and hear different sounds. It feels different each time I am there. There is a familiarity to the area though it is different. I love this. Means more adventure and discovery.
- Jane Seabrook drawing
Enjoy your old friends!
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