Today seemed all about birds! I went adventuring early this morning and it was a bit nippy. I bundled myself up well and almost immediately came across this magnificent snowy egret along the walk to the Rock. Depending on my viewpoint, (especially with the blue water background) determined just how well it stood out. These amazing waterfowl are so beautiful with how, literally, snowy white they are. This one is a great snowy egret with is mostly yellow bill and deep black legs and feet. Quite a contrast and very striking.
This is picture is from the other side of the rock it was perched on and gives another dimension to its beauty. Each time I attempt to get closer, they fly off and relocate. Usually and fortunately they only go a short distance before landing. Sometimes, though, they squawk at me and leave the area. I do my best to avoid disturbing them to this degree.

These water fowl are far from being song birds. The sounds of the snowy egret, heron and pelicans are a rather harsh squawk that is difficult to describe, though they let you know when you have disturbed them.

I wasn't much further along with my walk when I came across these cormorants and a heron sitting in the sun to warm themselves. I was feeling the chill in the air, as well. I love how they are all facing the sun to get warm.
The waves were crashing over the jetty again this morning and since I was earlier than yesterday, the shadows were very different.
These waves create the mist sprays that can feel so refreshing!

This is not a very clear picture. The great snowy egret is to the left while the lesser snowy egret is on the rock below and to the right (preening itself).
The water in the bay this morning is very calm and almost glass like which allows for reflections. I really like it this way though when it is rough, the small white caps can be very stimulating.

So, this morning was full of water fowl and I was able to get rather close to them without disturbance. They watched me to make certain I stayed a respectable distance. I apparently followed the rules this morning.
I was also to get a good amount of dog fixes this morning with some old friends and several new ones. People seem so willing to share their pets with others and it is most common to see several gatherings of dogs with their people on the boardwalk to the Rock. A great social time for all.
- from Jane Seabrook drawings
Enjoy being yourself!
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