The weather channels predicted a rather hefty storm that in reality turned out to be about five hours of off and on rain. Periods of gentle rain and periods of heavy rain. It was clear by 6 pm and then we had clear skies overnight. Nights have been cold though the days are clear and upper 50's. I can handle this.

Yesterday I got my people (Chris, Dorothy and Bob, and Dick), dog (Duke, Abbey, Maki, Daisy and Bridgett) and French Bakery fix. (Yes, I did the bakery thing!) It was rather chilly first thing in the morning, then it warmed by the time I walked by the bakery. I was able to play with Daisy, a dog here in the park, who is adorably sweet. She is probably the right size of dog for traveling, so keeping my eyes and ears open for whatever shows up. (Still hoping for a golden, St. Bernard or Newfoundland.) Unclear just how much room that would leave for me. Plus dog hair, plus wet dog hair, plus dirt, plus water, plus food, plus brushing, plus washing, plus big stuff to pick up. I am working all of this out in my mind. Makes me laugh.
Millie and I have been playing "Words with Friends" on our phones. Tuesday she was having trouble with the app so we did not get to play for two days. I actually went through withdrawals. She and I talked this morning and she is up and running again. It makes one think about how much time we spend doing these kinds of things and entertaining our addictions. Of course our other addiction, local port and Belgium chocolates, needs to be continually nourished when we spend time together. Oh, darn! I guess we'll just have to struggle through it and do our best.
All of these pictures were taken Tuesday morning during my early morning walk. It didn't actually rain until about 1:15 pm, just as I walked out of the grocery store to go back to my home. Fortunately it was just starting and drizzling so I arrived just a bit damp and wet around the edges. I have discovered one just needs to do whatever it is and let happen what happens. If one waits around for things to change, they will change, though maybe different than what one hoped for. So, just move onward.

Years ago there was this wonderful song, "Don't Worry, Be Happy." It is curious that I still occasionally hear it when it is most appropriate. It reminds me to let go of any worry about anything and trust that all things happen for a reason. I may never know why, which is just the point. Let it go. Check in with my own happiness and continue to do my best. Keep in the unconditional love space and be in the moment. That is all I have anyway. Who knows what the instant may bring. All things are subject to change, just as the weather is here. Locals say that if you don't like the weather, wait ten minutes and it will change. Pretty right on.
"The one Source of All-Encompassing Love
knows nothing of boundaries,
differing customs, geographic divisions, family splits;
or differences in race, creed, sex, and so on -
It only knows love for all."
- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
from his book
Your Ultimate Calling
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