Country Lane! |
An early morning walk up the country lane to the property at the top of the lane. There is a bold "No Tresspessing" sign. It is property that the area locals venture onto to stroll and walk their dogs. A beautiful day to see just how far away I can see. It was unusually warm with a slight breeze and birds singing.
Pismo Houses and town with the ocean! |
After I crawled through the gate I came across a group of locals with about 10 dogs all wandering around and checking out the smells. The group was walking on the path and one man lagged back and talked with me about the little dog walking behind him that he is caring for that is blind. It was a small terrier type dog that is about eleven years old. She would follow the sounds of our footsteps, voices and the other dogs. The trail is probably about six feet wide and sometimes she would travel from side to side and when she touched the grass at one side, she would work herself to the other side until she reached grass again and go back and forth. A brave little dog that seemed sweet and trusting.
Stately oak tree on a hill! |
The large group of people moved on and the man with the little dog turned back and returned to the gate. I was on my own and I took several pictures of the area. I could see the town of Pismo Beach and the ocean. It was crystal clear with some scattered floating clouds that cast shadows on the hills and valleys of the land.
Houses on the hills with an ocean vies! |
I walked quite a while and sort of failed to pay attention of which paths I was taking and found myself wondering where I was. I started to head in the direction I thought would bring me to my starting point and ran into a fence. Unsure if I should follow the fence line, I decided to turn around and retrace my steps as best as I could. I knew the general direction and was successful in getting back on a familiar path.
A play of sunlight through an oak tree! |
It was rather funny as I was thinking that if I was actually lost, what I would do. I pulled out my phone and did a map search that failed to provide much assistance as I was not on any named roads, just paths on someone's property (1,400 acres). I guessed I could call my friends but what directions would I give them? I think for future walks I need to pay a bit more attention to landmarks so I keep myself safe and free of panic. This area is completely beautiful and I could have sat and just enjoyed for hours. As it was, I was gone for two and a half hours.
Green hills and valley with shadows! |
Later in the day Megan and I went to the beach at Pismo. It was warm, sunny, free of wind and completely delightful. We sat and enjoyed for a while and then headed off to Trader Joe's for much needed food supplies.
The colors in the morning sky as the sun was starting to rise, was so awe inspiring. It changed from second to second. I love mornings. It is a fresh new beginning and holds limitless possibilities. The waking up process of each day is very magical for me.
Belated, Happy Birthday, Miclele!
"Upon awakening, decide to do something - anything -
that will improve the quality of life for someone,
without seeking credit for yourself."
- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Enjoy your awakening!
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