Weather Channel is correct. It is calm and peaceful though and almost feels comforting. It can definitely be windy, cold and unsettling when a storm comes through, so this is very nice.

I also love the the Norfolk Pine trees, which are sometimes referred to as Star Pines. They grow well outside here at the coast. Some people get them for indoor trees during the Christmas holidays and are successful in growing them indoors.

These two trees are a little less dense than others I have seen here. So I will keep my eyes open for ones that are fuller and appear more at home here.

The rain cleared yesterday afternoon and it turned into a beautiful day, again. There was little left of the storm clouds and the air was so clean and fresh.

Here, the otter is swimming away from the gull in the foreground. You may have to pull out your magnifying glass to see them, but they are there.

Woke up to 46 degrees this morning and the sun is shinning. Another beautiful day here. I heard on the news that the area I left was under tornado warnings yesterday. They had hail, thunder, lightening and rain. Quite a contrast to the gentle rain we had here.
It is fascinating how the weather can be so different in relatively close areas. I know there are people who can explain all of this. Still, it is fascinating to me.
Most of the tourists have left the area now and this small community is quiet and peaceful. Few people on the beach and in the shops. It will stay this way until it gets closer to Thanksgiving. This is a favorite hangout for tourists during most of the holidays and the summer. Now and after New Years, the locals enjoy just each other. I like it.
"Nature brings beauty to every time and season."
- Author Unknown
Enjoy your season!
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