This is the first morning I went and got a mocha and just sat at the beach drinking in the yummy goodness. People, dog and ocean watching is such a delight. I could do this for hours. And I did.
Everyone here is preparing for the antique street show tomorrow. Part of the main street and several side streets will be closed to driving and the wares will be displayed throughout these streets. I have been to this event several times in the past and it is amazing to me all the stuff that is available for sale. And how some of the items are things I have either sold or donated. Now that I am so downsized, everything is an extra that I can live without. It is fun to walk through the isles and isles of tables and chat with all the various people. And, of course, there will be food vendors, which makes it even more interesting.
Yesterdays ideas of things I was going to accomplish went by the wayside. I will see about next Tuesday. That is, of course, if I can keep track of the days. I'm certain Hearst Castle and the elephant seals will still be there whenever I arrive and the rv shop should still be in business. I am still adapting to being retired. At times it seems so simple and at other times I get confused about what I am doing. I wonder if I have to figure this out or if it will just resolve itself!
The owners of the motel are making great progress in readying everything for their move. It appears they have found their new landing place and will know soon if it is a done deal. I am so excited for them as they move forward with their new adventure in life. I think theirs is much more dramatic than mine was.
I thoroughly enjoyed the Dr. Oz show and his presentation of GMO information. He gave each side the opportunity to present their thoughts and in the end he graciously gave his opinion with options people can utilize now. I applaud his being vocal and public on this issue. Perhaps the following is something worth considering, as we move closer to election day. This especially applies to all of the candidates.
"Power is no blessing in itself, except when it is used to protect the innocent."
- Jonathan Swift
So, I am on with my day.
PS Meteor shower tonight and early morning!
PS Meteor shower tonight and early morning!
Enjoy the difference!
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