Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Tuesday, July 9th

This morning I was awakened by the sound of coyotes howling very close to the tent area which is near my site. There were several animals as their sounds were very different. It was a little disturbing at first because it startled me from sleep. Then once I recognized the sounds, I relaxed and listened as they all called to each other. I am in nature.

The odd thing is that all of the people here that I have spoken with this morning did not hear anything. They were all thinking I imagined it and I was thinking these people can obviously sleep through anything. The two women in the club house this morning have seen the coyotes on the grounds even though they did not hear them this morning. Very curious!

It was extremely foggy to the ground this morning. And very damp. It is almost 9:30 am and it is giving way to sun. It looks as though it is going to be another beautiful day. Although here, whatever the weather, it is beautiful. I am so enjoying all of the sounds, smells and sights. And the most friendly people that are campground hosts. It all makes for a very nice place to be.

Yesterday was a rather windy day and it was clear and beautiful. I did a little walking and discovered some special secret areas that I will revisit while I am here. I walked a ways towards the beach just to get a feel for it and think it will be my destination for today. It is very calm this morning and will make for a more pleasant walk.

Last evening I went to the rivers edge and watched as the light of the day faded. Everything was very serene and peaceful. I could hear an occasional fish land back in the water after it apparently jumped up to hopefully snatch a snack before retiring for the night. There was a call of some sort of huge bird in the trees. It reminded me of a cross between an egret, heron and hawk. I am unable to imagine what it was. There were lots of vultures circling around the edge of the trees yesterday. Perhaps it was one of them. Unknown for now.

Troubling news is that there is no Trader Joe's for a long distance. I am almost out of almond butter and their chocolate bars. Oh no! What will I do? Eat ice cream, I guess. It is funny to me how accustomed I have become to having certain things and realizing that as I travel, some of those things will be unavailable to me. I will need to find substitutes. This will be a tough one as I am allergic to peanuts, plus a few other things. I will figure it out.

I was talking with someone yesterday who was here last summer and she told of a mother whale and her calf having been stuck up here in the river. She said they could hear the mothers blow hole activity during the night, which according to this woman, was very calming. Unfortunately the mother whale failed to survive and the Native Americans here buried her on their land. The calf eventually made it back out to the ocean and hopefully is thriving today. Paying attention to and observing nature is so amazing. I am so grateful to be doing what I am doing.

Lots of travelers are in and out during every day. Check out times at most of the parks is 11 am or noon. Check in times are usually 1 or 2 pm. So, the morning activity is all about unhooking everything and preparing to venture forth. And the afternoon and evening activity is just the opposite. I am usually out and about for most of it, though occasionally a late arrival will show up. Some of it is quite entertaining.

This morning my neighbor was getting ready to depart and the RV would not start. Next thing I know he is under the RV on the moist grass using a hammer to hit on something, while his wife is working the remote start control. It started after two attempts. I asked them about it and he said it is a new RV and this happened once before. The first time he had to call out a repair person who figured out it was a solenoid issue. Since then this is what he has to do until they return home and can get it in for repair. A heck of a way to start your day!

I ventured up to the cute club house with all the beautiful hydrangeas this morning for coffee and fresh baked oatmeal cookies. I chatted with a couple of women who do this every day and we shared some stories about our experiences along our travels. There was a group of motor cycle guys that were so quiet one barely heard them arrive last night. They were completely polite and appreciative of the morning wake up beverage and goodies. This was nice to see.

You may recall that several, several weeks ago I was waiting for some documents. Well, they still have yet to be received, so I called the company yesterday and spoke with the same person. She was completely apologetic and is sending it here to the RV park. We'll see if it gets here before I am scheduled to leave. Three days to get here from southern California; we shall see. Probably an unwise thing to hold my breath.

Okay, I am off for the day. The wind is picking up a bit and the sun is shining. I am alive and well and adventuring. Thanks to all of you, for all of your comments and thoughts and good wishes. Nice to hear from you. Know that I am loving what I am doing. My best to all of you!!!

All of these beautiful flowers grow here in the RV park!

To all those celebrating today,
Happy Birthday!

I am forever walking upon these shores,
betwixt the sand and the foam.
The high tide will erase my foot-prints,
and the wind will blow away the foam.
But the sea and the shore will remain
  • Kahlil Gibran
  • Sand And Foam

Enjoy your footprints!

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