Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Tuesday, July 2nd


Awakened to the sounds of roosters and other bird sounds, along with a slight sound of the ocean surf. Wonderful!!! The air was cool and crisp and just a titch of mist. There were a few sparse clouds that made for a beautiful sunrise. Ah, what a way to start the day.


A two and a half hour walk on the beach reminded me of how much I enjoy the walks I used to take while in Morro Bay. Here the beach is incredibly clean of people garbage with only few things here and there.

Kelp bulbs

There were no sea shells either. A couple of broken crab shells among the sea kelp was all I could find. The bulbs of the kelp were small and white/clear with some others being the regular beige color. There was only a small area that contained the kelp. Otherwise, nice clean sand to stroll along.

I did come across this area where there were several tall rocks separated yet close together. It was as though one was walking into a secret and special space. I took the challenge and entered and felt hidden and knew this held many memories of those before me. Very cool!

I had to wade through some creeks as I walked the beach in order to continue. Fortunately I had on flip flops that were made to deal with water. I was surprised the water was as warm as it was. I expected it to be cold. Probably because of the crazy heat in the valley.

I came across a couple of golden retrievers and their people. One was the typical golden reddish color and the other was almost white. Both had the great golden smiles and were full of playfulness. I almost was knocked over by the big white male who is only fourteen months old. All puppy and lacking a few manners, so I ended up a little dirty with sand. Oh well, that is life on the beach. I love it.

It seemed odd to only hear the ocean surf as I was actually on the beach. The air must be moving off shore which would explain the lack of fog. Whatever the reasons I am fine with how it all is.

And the people here are very friendly. Everyone is outside enjoying the fresh air, the beach and all that nature provides here. It is quite primitive with the exception that most of the sites provide water, sewer and electrical hook ups. The sites are gravel/dirt/grass and fairly level. Slept so well.

I think I brought enough food to last through Friday. Otherwise I will need to go over to the little store/office here (about as big as a bathroom) and get some ice cream. Man/woman can live on ice cream, I am certain.

I still have some fresh peaches from Machado's and some watermelon slices from Millie's and my trip to Costco. I think there are a few veggies and eggs. Actually, I am fine. I could probably make it well into next week. Besides, I have frozen cookie dough balls that could be baked. Oh, yummm!!!

It is rather quiet here this morning. A few little ones were running around and riding their bikes, and now they are all either on the beach or at their sites having lunch. Gads, time flies. I will probably take another walk this evening as the sun goes down. It makes for different pictures and sometimes very dramatic ones.

I called Joyce this morning to wish her a happy birthday and catch up on things. She said she expects to see me each time she goes into Morro Bay and realizes I am elsewhere. Hopefully I will be back in the fall. I prefer to avoid the east coast and south and north during the winter months. I would rather deal with earthquakes.


Glorious intoxication of the soul
is the reward of all who seek it
in the bosom of nature.”
- Kahlil Gibran

Enjoy your intoxication!

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