Saturday, November 10, 2012

Refrigerator Door Falls Off

Yesterday, shortly after some friends of Chris helped me with a few things on the motor home and left, I went to get some fresh green beans out of the refrigerator to cook, and the door just kept going and fell off the connecting brackets.  Everything that was on the shelves of the door was scattered all over the floor.  

Because it was such a ridiculous thing to happen, I just stood there and laughed.  Seriously, how many times have you had this happen in your life?  This was a first for me. I think I stood there for minutes in disbelief.  I wish I had had the presence of mind to take a picture, but I think I was too much in shock to even think of doing so.

When I finally I got myself together I picked up the door and put it back in place.  I was unable to see anything on the floor that resembled anything that even remotely looked as though it might be a part to hold it all together.  I went to my tool drawer to find something that would be a substitute pin for the two (screws) that were now missing.  I found one and quickly inserted it in the top bracket.  It was far from a perfect fit, but did secure it somewhat.  

Then I surveyed the scattered miscellaneous bottles and jars on the floor.  To my amazement, all were completely in tack.  Nothing was broken.  Other than the small container of coffee grounds (to keep odors at bay) that were now working their way into the carpet, the floor and carpet were clean.  The ketchup, mustard, liquid supplements, lemon juice, garlic stuffed olives, kefir, Port, chicken broth, maple syrup, etc., were all still in their own containers without a mishap.  Thank you, Universe!

As I was picking up the bottles and jars and getting ready to vacuum up the coffee grounds, I came across one of the screws that holds the door in alignment with the bracket.  I put it in the lower door attachment.  I put everything back in the door, with the exception to the large jar of olives (probably too heavy for the door anyway) and held my breath as I closed the door and gave a sigh of relief when I heard the door latch.

To my confusion, I was unable to find any other screw for the other bracket.  Had it been missing all along?  No, impossible.  The door would have not stayed in place.  This morning as I was cleaning the floor in the bathroom, I moved the waste basket and there it was.  The missing screw.  Delayed the finishing of cleaning the floor and immediately went to work putting the correct screw back where it belonged.  So, now I think it will be a good idea to check these little screws every day to avoid this from ever happening again.  The screw driver is ready and waiting.  

And you thought you had an curious day!  I also found the batteries I was looking for.  In the tool drawer.  I wonder why I put them there.  If I hadn't had to do all the figuring out of the refrigerator door, I would still be searching for the batteries.  Thank you, Universe!

I have a short list of things that need fixing at an RV service center.  I am thinking I will add this to my list to see if there is a better way to deal with this issue.  The few items on the list are minor though need professional assistance.  One requires getting on the roof, which is something I choose to let someone else do.  I can get all of these things taken care of in December, which is coming up very quickly.

On a lighter note, here is a picture of one of the many waste containers that are dotted throughout the downtown and Embarcadero areas of Morro Bay.  Certainly a lot more colorful and whimsical than what you will find anywhere else.  I love the creativity and great ideas for these all important containers.  They are usually almost always close to full, which means people are using them.  That is a good thing.  You also find very little litter along the downtown and Embarcadero streets.  This is also a good thing.

I am still waiting for the email to receive the pictures I sent to it.  The wind is blowing rather briskly, so I guess you will just have to wait until tomorrow for a view at this great art.

How To Handle Stress

Make a list of things to do that you have already done.

Dance naked in front of your pets.

Retaliate for tax woes by filling out your tax forms with Roman Numerals.

Pay your electric bill in pennies.

Drive to work in reverse.

Read the dictionary upside down and look for secret messages.

Bill your doctor for the time spent in his waiting room.

Make up a language and ask people for directions.

- I have not idea where this came from

Enjoy your cold refrigerated food!

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