I continue to take lots of walks (partly to work off the cookies I have eaten) and take in the smells of the ocean and eateries. Unloading fresh fish at the boat docks, the pelicans and gulls hang around in hopes of grabbing a morsel. The workers continually ward them away from their catch. Years ago I used to think it would be a lot of fun to have a deep sea fishing boat. Now, it sounds as though it would be a lot of work. Guess I am not as young and ambitious as I once was. Now, I am grateful to be where I can have fresh caught fish every day.

It was super windy today so I decided to put doing laundry off until tomorrow. I was very concerned that the clothes pins would fail and I would have my laundry all over the City. Not a pretty picture. Tracking it down would be a nightmare.
I have been eating many of the fresh veggies and fruits from the farmers market. Local, fresh produce is so wonderful. It beats almost everything one can purchase in the regular grocery store. Most of them were picked the morning of the market. It would be difficult to top that unless it was personally grown and picked right before eating.

Here is a different angle of the same succulent above. This is a very amazing plant and it is obviously flourishing here at the coast. I am certain the Rock is in the background though the angle and denseness is blocking it.
Earth Prayers From Around The World
During this time of great imbalance on planet earth we may feel ourselves torn between the priorities of healing ourselves - resolving our own inner spiritual or psychological problems - and attempting to cure the social and economic ills that beset our culture. While each of us undoubtedly has much inner work to do this attitude misses the main point of earth prayer. It continues to view the individual as somehow separate from the rest of the world. But if we accept that we are totally part of this living earth, then we must recognize that isolated health is an illusion. Healing ourselves and working to resolve the contradictions in the human - earth ecology is the same work.
...Knowing that we are not encapsulated self-enclosed entities. But rather fields of energy integrated with the environment, everything we do transforms and reshapes the world. If our actions can destroy, so can they heal!
- Author Unknown
Enjoy your healing!
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