Sunday, November 18, 2012

Walking in the Rain

Morro Rock, bay side.  There is moss growing on some of the sides and
dark green vegetation at the bottom.  At the base of the rock on the left, the light colored
shaped images are the cars and truck of visitors and surfers.

A great walk in the rain this morning and I was much more prepared.  There were fewer people out walking though more in the restaurants.  The usual thirty some surfers in the bay and the sea otters were scattered about in the harbor having breakfast.  All the sea birds were busy doing their birding thing.  It must be difficult for the pelicans because they get completely wet when they are diving for food.  Then they have to dry and clean their feathers afterwards so they can fly out and dive for food again.  When it is raining I am unclear how they actually get dry.  Actually this is true for all the birds.  They seem to be out in the elements continually, as I have never seen them under any sort of shelter.  For me, a mystery.

Morro Rock, bay side and it is raining.
There is also a great blue heron that I have noticed hanging out in different areas of the harbor.  He/she looked pretty soaked this morning.  Everything was pretty soaked this morning.  Since the Embarcadero is at sea level and the town is up on the hillside, when it rains all the water works its way downhill.  So there are many gutters flowing full and forceful when it rains continually or particularly with large amounts.  Nature and its creatures simply continue to do their thing regardless of what the weather is doing.  They trust and follow their instincts and hence appear to take most things in stride.  I think we humans could take some lessons from nature and her creatures.  I am currently working on this, which is part of what this Adventure is all about for me.

Morro Bay, bay side and the light has changed
I have been experiencing  odd sleep issues recently.  Friday afternoon, I absolutely had to lay down and take a nap.  And when I went to bed at my usual time,I slept all night.  Then I was awake until 2 a.m. this morning.  And woke up at my usual time.  My sleep patterns have been fairly regular for a long time, so when I experience this recent kind of thing, for me it is knowing something is going on somewhere.  Many times it is a change in the weather, an earthquake or volcanic eruption.  Unsure what it is this time.  My daughter-in-law said she had the same experience with needing a nap Friday afternoon.  We'll see.  

OK, after today, the french bakery is off my list of places to visit.  Their treats are way too yummy.  If I continue as I have been, I will need to walk at least half of the day in order to work off what I have eaten.   These creations are real bread,

And these are some of what they make for the holidays.  Again, all bread.  And all wonderful.  

The Four Agreements

by  Don Miguel Ruiz

Agreement #3

"Don't Make Assumptions"

"Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want.  Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama.  With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life."

For me, this Agreement has great significance.  Courage and communication.  I really like how this particular Agreement is so fully explained in his book.  

Happy Birthday, Laura!

Enjoy your courage and expression!

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